Our objective is the growth and change of companies and territories.
Our strategy is supporting them to achieve high performance.
The wealth of expertise, knowledge, and skills of EFG staff supports clients’ specific development strategies, according to their individual needs, with suitable solutions for the reference market and the relevant social, economic, financial, institutional, and environmental contexts. In order to face critical contingencies and direct changes, it is necessary to adjust the business or territorial strategy to the new market conditions through a multi-disciplinary approach.
The adjustment speed to changes is a competitive advantage in a fast-evolving market. Analytical tools and expert professionals’ assessments are indispensable to turn existing critical aspects into competitive advantages.
Success key
Competitive benefits
Value generation
Emotional involvement
Added value
EFG puts at the client's disposal professionalism and proven-track expertise, in addition to its own network of contacts and acquaintances: this is an indispensable and fruitful tool to enter the commercial dynamics to the fullest and to effectively penetrate the target market.
EFG qualified staff devises innovative marketing strategies with its clients in order to tangibly achieve identified objectives.
EFG pours enthusiasm into the client company, intended as a whole, in order to fill the internal and external environment.
EFG offers its clients constant service during the entire execution stage of the devised strategy, with frequent confrontation with the client company's management. It also carries out a constant monitoring activity to check the results obtained, identify hidden critical aspects, and, if necessary take correction actions.