ON House – Milano
Una sfilata di moda realizzata per accendere i riflettori sulla fruttuosa relazione tra il Made in Italy e gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, dal punto di vista sia commerciale che ideologico: la moda come punto di comunione tra culture e volano di integrazione.
In passerella le raffinate creazioni “made in Italy” di Lidia Cardinale, stilista e designer italiana apprezzata negli Emirati, e le suggestioni creative del mondo arabo di Raja El Rayes, stilista proveniente dalla realtà musulmana, ma che da oltre trent’anni risiede e opera in Italia.
Presenze: 80 ospiti selezionati
A fashion show realized in order to turn on the searchlights on the relationship between the “Made in Italy” and the United Arab Emirates, from a double point of view, both commercial and ideological: fashion as point of communion between different cultures and as integration tool.
On the catwalk, the sophisticated and fine made in Italy creations by Lidia Cardinale, Italian fashion designer, appreciated in the Emirates too, and the creative suggestions from the Arab world by Raja El Rayes, fashion designer born in the Muslim reality, but now living and successfully working in Italy since more than 30 years.
Attendance: 80 selected hosts.