Abu Dhabi, turismo da record, nel 2016 sono state quasi 5 milioni le persone che si sono recate nella capitale. Tra Oasi riconosciute patrimonio UNESCO e festival di cibo, arte, danza e musica gli Emirati Arabi diventano un polo di attrazione di tutto il mondo.
The capital of United Arab Emirates has welcomed 4.4 million foreign tourists in 2016, 8% more than 2015. Indians represent the largest market for the city, the last year people from India grew by 15% and are the main part of tourists, ahead of the English. United Kingdom is also the second larger source for international market with 238,167 tourists in 2016. Moreover, France has demonstrated a fast growth with 64,929 visitors, 9% more than 2015.
“The increase of the foreign tourists represents a new record for the capital” explains the Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority, that also underlines this effect as a result of hosting major events. Abu Dhabi Food Festival, the contemporary art fair called Abu Dhabi Art for contemporary art fair and the Qasr Al Hosn festival for dance and music are the most famous events of the city. The activities available to tourists has been enriched as well.
Abu Dhabi show its hidden heart since the opening of the Al Ain Oasis in 2016 to foreign visitors. This natural paradise is the first spot in the United Arab Emirates chooses as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
For this year business expectations are also high, tourism will increase and in the next months will be planned 14 congresses. The Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau expects that these events will bring, more or less, 35,000 professionals in 2017.
Article available on: Visit Abu Dahabi